Honor Crimes still exist in many countries including the Middle East and Pakistan. Where the law gives preferential treatment to the murderer so that they will end up with reduced sentences. Unfortunately these crimes are still popular and have support to some extent in the society. I think it is a fight for the intellects to change such believes. Few suggestions include:
1- Find a more expressing name rather than "Honor Crimes". It should be a name that gives a negative label to this crime.
2- Show condemnation in public while these people are courted. This might include protesting in front of the court or at the murderer's house. and posting the pics of the victim in public places.
3- Send a clear message that this killing is against Islamic believes, the scripture is clear that only the governor can apply punishments after a court. Ironically, KSA - one of the most radical Islamic counties, has no tolerance to this crime.
We all have a part in this relatively reasonable confrontation with one of the most striking signs of repression.